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Physical Compliance by Dunk

We have the experts, we have the experience.

Workplace Hazard Assessment Solutions

Looking for expert assistance with workplace hazard assessment? You've come to the right place.


Do You Know the Hazards That Pose the Greatest Risk in Your Workplace?

Identifying and addressing risks is crucial to safeguarding your employees, keeping your operations running smoothly, and ensuring compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and related regulations.


If you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure of where to start, our professional team is here to guide you every step of the way. Check out our list of services below.

Solutions We Can Provide

Hazard Identification
The first step in reducing workplace risks is identifying potential hazards. Our team of professionals will visit your workplace to conduct a comprehensive inspection of its physical conditions. Here's what you can expect:
  • On-site Inspection: We’ll thoroughly assess your workplace and identify hazards.
  • Detailed Report: You'll receive a customized report outlining the hazards, providing a foundation to build your action plan.
  • Next Steps: Hazard identification is just the beginning—our team can assist you with a hazard assessment to help you prioritize risks.
Hazard Assessment
A thorough hazard assessment requires expertise in recognizing hazards, implementing controls, and adhering to industry best practices and legislation. This process can be time-consuming—but we’re here to make it easier.
What we’ll do:
  • Comprehensive Review: We’ll evaluate your workplace by area, position, or task, interview staff and supervisors, and review relevant documents.
  • Prioritized Recommendations: You'll receive a personalized, written report assessing each hazard for its level of risk. 
  • Action Plan: We’ll provide recommendations for mitigating risks, ensuring you know what to address first to protect your workers and your business.
Pro Tip: Combine this service with our
Health and Safety Program available on our Systems 24-7 Hub for streamlined safety management.
Detail Job Task Hazard Analysis

When a specific job or task poses a high risk—or when recurring injuries or illnesses arise—a Detailed Job Task Hazard Analysis is the best approach.


Our process:

  • On-Site Observation: We’ll review the high-risk job in person, observing tasks performed and interviewing workers.

  • Step-by-Step Breakdown: The job will be broken into individual steps, with hazards identified and assessed for each.

  • Custom Recommendations: Our report will include tailored recommendations and actionable steps to ensure the safest way to perform the task.


This service provides job-specific insights to protect workers and reduce recurring risks.

Workplace Violence Risk Assessment

Preventing workplace harassment and violence is a critical part of maintaining a safe environment and meeting your legal obligations under OHSA.


How we can help:

  • Risk Analysis: We’ll identify behaviours, conditions, practices, and internal and external risk factors that could contribute to workplace violence or harassment.

  • Employee Engagement: Our team will speak with your employees to gain insights into potential risks.

  • Actionable Results: You’ll receive a report with practical recommendations to reduce the risk of workplace violence and create a safer, more inclusive environment.


Let's chat about our options.

Chat with one of our professionals today about how we can assist your workplace.

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