How did we get here?
Back in the 1900’s… okay, we’re not that old. Back in 1999, our founder realized the only way to get health and safety advice came at a high cost through private consultants. It was in that moment Systems 24-7 was born. We believe in providing expert advice and guidance at an affordable rate so that every organization can have an effective health and safety program.

How did we get here?
Back in the 1900’s… okay, we’re not that old. Back in 1999, our founder realized the only way to get health and safety advice came at a high cost through private consultants. It was in that moment Systems 24-7 was born. We believe in providing expert advice and guidance at an affordable rate so that every organization can have an effective health and safety program.

About Our Webinars
Free sessions to keep you updated on key topics in workplace programs.

Yes, they are free.
Dunk offers our clients and the public free webinar sessions throughout the year on key topics in Health & Safety, HR, and Claims Management. They are an incredible way to stay in the loop on legislation changes and provide you with a forum to ask questions.
All webinars are facilitated by our qualified and experienced professionals. When you ask questions, you get trusted information you can implement into your workplace culture. Don’t worry about taking notes because we record all sessions and send you the playback with the presentation.
Together we can create and manage healthy and safe workplaces.

How do they work?
Check out our Webinar Schedule to see the topics we have scheduled.
Register for a webinar to secure your spot. Space is limited.
Attend the webinar and bring your questions!
Access the webinar recording and presentation to share with your workplace.
Sign up for your next webinar session.