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Human Resources | Ontario Only | Approx. 100 Slides | Approx. 45 minutes

This course is only applicable in Ontario. The goal of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is to make Ontario accessible by 2025, by creating and enforcing accessibility standards. These standards are rules that businesses and organizations in Ontario must follow to identify, remove and prevent barriers so that people with disabilities will have more opportunities to participate in everyday life. This course covers the purposes and principles of the AODA, IASR and Ontario Human Rights Code. In addition, participants will learn to recognize the barriers to accessibility and how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities, including those who use assistive devices or require the assistance of a service animal or support person.
AODA Review

Human Resources | Approx. 55 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

This course is a review of the AODA Full course. It is meant a refresher on the applicable legislation. It will review how to appropriately interact and communicate with people who have disabilities and what employees need to know about the use of assistive devices, service animals and support persons. This module also touches on information, communication and employment rights for those with disabilities.
Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA)

Health & Safety and Human Resources | Approx. 65 Slides | Approx. 45 minutes

Manitoba Only. Not every disability is visible. Nearly one in four Manitobans have a disability. These can include vision impairment, deafness, hard of hearing, intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, or even mental health disabilities. The AMA was developed by the Government of Manitoba to ensure that the province is accessible to all people and to remove any barriers that it can. It requires that every employer and employee in Manitoba take training on the AMA and the Manitoba Human Rights Code. By taking this course, participants will learn how Manitoba’s accessibility law and the Manitoba Human Rights Code help to remove barriers to access and will become familiar with the requirements to guide accessible customer service and your organization's accessible employment practices.
Accessible Customer Service

Human Resources | Approx. 50 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

This course is designed to educate workers on how to recognize and eliminate barriers to accessibility for customers as well as how to interact and communicate with customers in a respectful and supportive manner. This includes customers who use assistive devices, or have support persons or service animals.
Accident Investigation

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific, CLC | Approx. 105 Slides | Approx. 40 minutes

Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Accident Investigation Non Compensation

Health & Safety | Ontario Only | Approx. 105 Slides

Accident investigation is about preventing a recurrence by determining the direct cause and identifying the indirect causes of an incident so that it does not happen again. Accident investigation is a critical component in a hazard identification and control program and is an integral part of a successful health and safety program. This course will review who is responsible for the various tasks through the investigation process, the applicable legislation and definitions regarding accident investigation.
Active Attacker Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

While active attacker and targeted violence incidents are quite rare, they are highly impactful. Being prepared to act can make all the difference. For this reason, many organizations, like your own, are taking action to prepare their staff to be aware of active attacker incidents in the workplace and effectively respond should an attack occur.
Advance Care Planning

Home Health Care | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Advanced Care Planning is a process which allows a person to make their wishes known in regards to their future health and/or personal care. This course will give the reader the tools to help them guide a client or a client's family in the understanding of Advance Care Planning. Material covered includes definitions pertaining to Advance Care Planning, Speak Up Canada, the five steps to Advance Care Planning, provincial/territory specifics regarding forms, terms and documents that are legally accepted, and the difference between Advance Care Planning and having a Power of Attorney or Personal and/or Health Care Directive.
Aerial Lift Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Aerial lifting devices are typically used throughout construction, industry, and warehousing. However, the versatility and safety factors incorporated into these devices allow them to be utilized in almost any environment. This course will give the reader an understanding of the hazards associated with elevated lifts and will cover the law as it pertains to elevated lifts, pre-operation inspection, relevant personal protective equipment, and will specifically cover scissor lifts.
Anhydrous Ammonia

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

When working with Anhydrous Ammonia, it is vital workers know potential safety hazards and proper safety procedures in the event an accident occurs. This training is designed as a guide for workers and employers in industries that pose a risk of exposure to ammonia, whether the ammonia is in its gas or liquid form. It covers ammonia refrigeration, hazards associated with ammonia, PPE, access authorization, emergency response protocols and preventative maintenance.
Annual Safety Review 2025

Health & Safety | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

This training module is designed to review and refresh employees on health and safety basics. It covers WHMIS consumer products, types of harassment and responding to incidents of workplace harassment, Safety Committee/Representative responsibilities, environmental hazards, and fire safety. It is important for employees to review Health & Safety topics on a regular basis to refresh the information and keep up to date with any changes that may occur.
Asbestos Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Asbestos is a common, yet serious health hazard found in many workplaces. This course is designed to provide an overview of asbestos and its associated hazards and to provide readers with the tools required to identify hazards related to asbestos-containing materials in the workplace. The Asbestos Awareness program will teach employees about the applicable legislation and regulations that apply to asbestos, the common types and dangers, where it can be found, related health effects, and how to avoid potential exposure.
Asbestos Controls

Health & Safety | National, CLC | Approx. 15 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Carrying on from Asbestos Awareness, Asbestos Controls aims
to educate Safety Committees and Management on the three main methods for controlling asbestos and how to protect workers from exposure. Readers will receive practical information on
safe practices, emergency response and the duties and responsibilities of both management and the safety committee in regards to preventing and responding to reports of asbestos exposure.
Automotive Shop Safety

Health & Safety | Approx. 80 Slides | Approx. 40 minutes

This Training module covers essential practices to ensure a safe working environment in automotive shops. It includes guidelines on the proper use of tools and equipment, including welding equipment, grinders, brake lathes, wheel balancing and tire mounting machines, air bags and strut compressors, hazard identification and personal protective equipment (PPE).
BBQ Assembly and Safety Tips Retail

Health & Safety | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Retailers who sell BBQs often provide assembly services. Employees who perform these assembly tasks must receive training to do so. This course will provide the reader with the knowledge portion on how to correctly assemble a BBQ in conjunction with the manufacturer's instructions.
Basics of Credit Card Security

Technology | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Regardless of the reason people have credit cards, they are very helpful! Credit cards play an important role in modern commerce; they are a handy way to make purchases online and having a good credit rating reduces your chances of being denied for a necessary loan or mortgage. However, credit cards also come with risks…and not just the risk of spending money you don’t have! In this course, we will learn about some of the risks and how we can protect ourselves.
Battery Storage and Disposal

Environmental | Approx. 15 Slides | Approx. 5 minutes

Batteries can contain chemicals such as lead, mercury or cadmium. If not disposed or stored properly, batteries can pollute the soil, water and potentially harm human health. This course will focus on portable batteries and industrial batteries, and cover how to properly recycle and store them.
Bed Bug Prevention and Control

Home Health Care | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Bed bugs are small insects which feed on our blood, infest our homes and invade our beds. It is important to have an understanding of bed bugs in order to keep your homes and client's homes bed-bug free through constant observation, inspection, identification, notification, and control. This course will cover how to identify a bed bug, the signs and symptoms of a potential bed bug problem, the modes of transmission of bed bugs, and control measures to prevent transmission.
Bloodborne Pathogens

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Bloodborne pathogens are bacteria, viruses and microorganisms that are present in human blood. They can infect and cause disease in people who are exposed to blood containing the pathogen. These microorganisms can be transmitted through contact with contaminated blood and body fluids. This course covers common types of bloodborne pathogens that generally pose the greatest risk to workers, types of transmission and controls that can be put in place, different types of personal protective equipment that may be used, proper housekeeping, and emergency response.
Board of Directors Roles and Responsibilities for Health and Safety

Health & Safety | Ontario Only | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Part of being a competent board member is having the knowledge and skills to perform well in your role, but also to work with the knowledge that the organization has done everything reasonable to protect the health and safety of each and every individual within its employ. The purpose of this course is to assist board members in understanding their duties and responsibilities as they relate to health and safety.
Boom Lifts

Health & Safety | Approx. 110 Slides | Approx. 45 minutes

Boom lifts are a type of Mobile Elevating Work Platform (Group B). This training module provides an overview of Boom Lifts safety. At the end of this training and after both the written and practical exams, you should be ready to operate a Boom Lift. You will be familiar with the equipment used by your company, have an increased knowledge of how to set up and safely operate it and be able to recognize and avoid the most common hazards associated with its use.
Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses

Human Resources | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Stigma surrounding mental health is very real in our workplaces and communities. This module provides learners with an opportunity to explore where these stigmas come from, how they affect us, and suggests ideas to help reduce the impact and severity of stigmas.
Caring for Residents with Dementia

Long-Term Care | Approx. 65 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

About 60 - 80% of people in Canada that suffer from dementia, live in long term care facilities. This course will review what dementia is so that the learner has an understanding of the disease process and how to manage residents as their disease progresses. Material covered includes an overview of dementia, the stages of dementia, and the specific changes in the disease and its management.
Celiac Disease and Gluten-Related Disorders

Long-Term Care | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

It is estimated that 1 in 133 people in Canada are affected by celiac disease and gluten-related intolerances. This course provides an overview of celiac disease and gluten sensitivities, and will train learners on how to identify gluten in a diet and to help prevent residents of the home from being exposed.
Chain Saw Safety

Health & Safety | Approx. 50 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

At home or at work, if not used correctly, a chain saw can be a dangerous tool. This course will go over the mandatory safety requirements for anyone using a chain saw. Material covered includes types of chain saws, types of injury causes, parts of a chain saw, how to operate a chain saw, and chain saw hazards.
Change Management

Human Resources | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Change is a common thread that runs through all businesses regardless of size, industry and age. Organizations that handle change well will thrive, while those that do not may struggle to survive. This course will review what resistance to change organizations may come across, the change process, Lewin's Change Model, and practical steps for using Lewin's Change Model.
Chlorine Safety Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Chlorine is a highly reactive material and is incompatible with many other substances. Chlorine is commonly use in swimming pools and for disinfecting ad bleaching. If proper precautions are not taken while working with or around chlorine, serious injury or death can occur. This module will cover hazards associated with chlorine as well as how to safely use, decant and store it. It was review what to do when you are exposed to chlorine and how to manage it in the event of a spill.
Claims Management

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific | Approx. 65 Slides | Approx. 35 minutes

This module is for supervisors, managers, and claims administrators. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each position; when and what to report; understanding the provincial forms; offering written modified duties; identifying common issues or concerns with a claim; and hints and tips for successful claim's management.
Client Aggression

Home Health Care | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

In homecare, workers may come in contact with clients who exhibit inappropriate behaviour; from aggressiveness to violence. As an employee, workers need to be able to protect themselves from harm. This module will give readers some methods to work safely with clients who exhibit aggressive behaviour. Material covered includes how to work with an aggressive client, types of aggressive behaviour, and methods and techniques to help protect themselves from harm.

Human Resources | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Most organizations need to improve employee productivity in order to grow and improve profitability. True productivity doesn't happen when people are only focusing on the financial or technical issues. The key to return on your employee resource investment is to develop sustainable coaching behaviours to achieve the desired business results. This course will discuss why organizations should coach, what coaching is, what makes coaching different from other forms of mentoring, coaching strategies, and how to be an effective coach.
Cold Stress Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Whether working outside in the winter or working in cold work environments, cold stress is a hazard that needs to be properly addressed. In this course, employees will learn about the signs and symptoms of hypothermia, frostbite, and other cold-related conditions, as well as the best practices for dressing warmly, staying hydrated, and taking breaks in warm areas. This training also covers topics such as Safe Work Practices (SWP) in cold environments, the importance of monitoring weather conditions, and emergency response protocols.
Communicable Diseases

Health & Safety | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

This module will help you develop an effective communicable disease program by explaining how to apply the Recognition, Assessment and Control Principles to communicable diseases. This course will examine routes of transmission, types of controls and evaluations, as well as discuss the definition of communicable diseases, roles and responsibilities and standard precautions.

Human Resources | Approx. 65 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

Regardless of the size of the organization - whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a home-based business – everyone requires good communication skills if they want to succeed. This course will help employees learn how to get their messages across in the right way. Material covered includes key components to effective communication, the different types of communication, considerations for electronic communication, barriers to listening, how to use active listening, key components when responding, and conflict resolution.
Communication Techniques

Long-Term Care | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

Communication is a critical skill in nursing care. It is the process by which humans meet their survival needs, build relationships, and experience joy. In nursing, communication is used to gather information to teach, persuade and express caring and comfort. Staff who communicate effectively are better able to initiate change that promotes health, establish a trusting relationship with residents and other support persons, and prevent legal problems associated with providing care. Effective communication is also essential for establishing therapeutic relationships. This course will review communication and its process, types and modes of communication, barriers to communication, therapeutic communication techniques, and therapeutic relationships.
Computer Security and Internet Safety

Technology | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

This course has been designed to assist with educating individuals on the importance of computer security and internet safety and what they can do to better protect themselves.

Home Health Care | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Workers in the health care industry are privileged to information about their patients that is confidential in nature. Whether they work in a facility or in a patient’s home, they must keep a patient's information confidential. This course is designed to give the employee an understanding of regulations pertaining to confidentiality and how to apply them in home care. Material covered includes important definitions pertaining to confidentiality, protected health information, consents for care, protecting privacy and maintaining confidentiality, and disclosing of protected health information.
Confined Spaces

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific, CLC, and US-specific | Approx. 50 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

A confined space is a fully or partially enclosed space. The employer is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the legislation and regulations are complied with in the workplace. This course will review the specific regulations that govern confined spaces, hazards of confined space, atmospheric testing, permits, safety procedures, and training and duties of the confined space entry team.
Construction Ladder and Stilt Safety

Health & Safety | AB, BC, MB, NB, NFL, NS, PEI, QU, SK only | Approx. 50 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

According to a workplace's policy, all employees who are required to use ladders or stilts as part of their job are required to receive training on the proper use of the equipment. The primary goal of ladder and stilt safety is to prevent injuries from slips and falls while using these and this course will assist the employee in understanding and interpreting the Ladder Safety Program. Material covered includes a review of applicable government legislation, how to conduct a ladder inspection prior to use, the four types of ladders, and safety tips when using ladders or stilts.
Construction Safety Basics

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific | Approx. 145 Slides

Working on a construction site poses unique safety hazards that other workplaces do not. It is important that workers have an understanding of construction safety basics in order to keep themselves and others safe while on the jobsite. This course will review obligations under the law according to the OHSA, roles and responsibilities for all workplace parties, hazard identification, personal protective equipment, safety basics, office safety, preventing violence, and preventing back injuries.
Construction Trenching and Shoring

Health & Safety | AB, BC, MB, NB, NFL, NS, PEI, QU, SK only | Approx. 50 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Construction work can be dangerous with work involving trenching and shoring activities tending to be the most hazardous in the industry. Excavations are required for the installation and repair of utility lines, replacement of water and sewer lines, swimming pool construction and even grave digging. These projects vary considerably, each with its own set of unique problems. This course will focus on the risks of trenching and shoring activities and provide information on how to work safely. Material covered includes applicable legislation pertaining to trenching, review of soil types, cave in causes and trench stability, sloping, trench boxes/shields, and shoring.
Continence Care and Bowel Management

Long-Term Care Approx. 60 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

Urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence are commonly encountered in nursing home residents, and are associated with significant morbidity and utilization of health care resources. The purpose of this course is to maintain an interdisciplinary team approach to continence care and bowel management, to facilitate improvement in bladder and bowel function in those who can improve, and to prevent deterioration of bladder/bowel function. Material covered includes physiology of urinary elimination, maintaining normal elimination, urinary incontinence and management, types of urinary incontinence, physiology of defecation, maintaining regular defecation, bowel incontinence and interventions, and assessment and documentation.
Controlling the Spread of Infections and Viruses

Health & Safety | Approx. 15 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

This course covers how to control the spread of infection and viruses. The course discusses common types of viruses, diseases and bloodborne pathogens that generally pose the greatest risk to workers, types of transmission and controls that can be put in place, different types of personal protective equipment that may be used, proper housekeeping, and emergency response.
Crane Operator Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 95 Slides | Approx. 45 minutes

This course is generic content only and is not considered training. This course provides employees with an awareness of the hazards and general guidelines of crane operation. This course can also be used by an employer as a template to create their own theory training for their workplaces. When customizing this course, information specific to the workplace and the type of equipment used must be included. Any training created from this course must meet the requirements of CSA Standard B-167-16.
Crane Safety Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

This course discusses the hazards and safe work practices associated with cranes. It covers various types of cranes, as well as operator responsibilities, safe practices, inspections, shutdown and maintenance. Disclaimer: This course provides an overview of crane safety only and is not designed to substitute for certified operator training. Only certified operators shall operate cranes.
Crossing Guard Basic Safety

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Crossing guards are an important part of the community. They keep children safe while crossing the road and make motorists aware of pedestrians. Crossing guards also face hazards every day due to the nature of their job and must be aware of those potential hazards and how to keep themselves safe. This course will cover the applicable law, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification and reporting, crossing guard hazards, personal protective equipment, WHMIS, and return to work.
Customer Service

Human Resources | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

In the face of relentless increasing business pressure, stellar service stands out as a way to build competitive difference, revenue, and loyalty. This course tackles the questions of what great customer service is, types of challenging customers, and ways to deal with each type of customer.
Cyber Security Basic Training

Technology | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 35 minutes

When it comes to online safety, you are the first and last line in defense in your own cyber security. In this course, we will review what you can do to protect yourself online.
De-escalating Conversations for Customer Service

Human Resources | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 35 minutes

De-escalating a conversation when it gets heated can be tricky, especially if you don’t have the right approach. In this course, you will learn how to choose words that can help calm upset customers. We will walk you through how to re-frame conversations, to help avoid causing customers to get worked up. You will also learn the best way to handle customers who yell or uses profanity.

Health & Safety | Approx. 20 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Decanting is the transferring of a chemical or fuel from one container into another (usually from a large to a smaller container). The purpose of this course is to teach employees how to take the steps to eliminate or minimize the risks associated with decanting chemicals and fuels in the workplace or work site. Material covered includes labelling, safety checks, general operating instructions, bonding, and grounding.
Dental Care

Wellness | Approx. 15 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Our teeth are important to us and we need to take care of them so that hopefully they will last us for life. This course will teach the reader a few tips about dental care to help identify when they or someone else may have a dental problem, and the need for good dental care. Material covered includes some causes of bad breath, how to prevent bacteria growth in the mouth, and when to seek medical attention.
Diversity and Inclusion

Human Resources | Approx. 65 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

An inclusive work environment, one that is built on the principles of diversity and inclusion, can make or break a company. This course will review what diversity and inclusion is, the barriers and challenges a company may face, what constitutes ‘inclusive language’ and how to use it, perspective and goal setting, and respect in the workplace.
Dog Bite Prevention

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Any dog can bite, including a dog that you may know. Encountering an aggressive dog in the course of work is a safety concern. This course will help the employee understand the potential hazard of dog bites for workers who work inside and outside people's homes. Material covered includes looking at what the problem is, who is at risk, reading the warning signs, effects of dog bites, what pet owners need to know, steps to protect yourself, what to do when approaching a house, what to do when in danger, and the reporting process.
Driver Safety Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 75 Slides | Approx. 35 minutes

Driving presents many significant hazards that have the potential to cause serious injury or death. For workers who drive either a company vehicle or their own vehicle on the job, safe driving is a matter of occupational safety. This module provides workers with an in-depth look at common causes of accidents and factors that affect driver safety. Learners will examine safe driving rules, winter driving hazards, and learn how and when to share the road. Finally, this module looks at dangerous situations and provides clarity to the steps to take after an accident occurs.
Drone Basics

Technology | Approx. 15 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), more commonly referred to as a drone, is any aircraft without a human pilot on board. Drones are controlled remotely by a human pilot or by an onboard computer. Drones can be flown recreationally, but are also finding more common use in many other applications. This module outlines the basic requirements for flying a drone, what certificates are required and how they can be flown.
Due Diligence and the Law

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific, CLC | Approx. 50 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations set out the minimum standards for health and safety in workplaces as well as the duties and responsibilities of all workplace parties. This course is designed to raise awareness and working knowledge of the province’s Occupational Health and Safety legislation and regulations. Material covered in this course includes due diligence, legislation, roles and responsibilities, worker rights, competent supervisor, safety committee, workplace inspections, workplace violence, harassment and bullying, hazard recognition, training, reporting and investigations, and non-compliance.
Dump Truck Safety Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

This training is an overview of dump truck safety and is not designed to substitute for operator training in a specific workplace. Only certified operators shall operate a dump truck. This module covers operator responsibilities, dump truck components, hazards, safe practices, inspections, refuelling, parking and shutdown and maintenance.
Duty to Accommodate

Human Resources | Approx. 75 Slides | Approx. 35 minutes

As supervisors/managers, training on accommodations in the workplace is crucial. It is important to know how to respond to and support each type of accommodation request in order to ensure that all employees are given an equal opportunity to employment that is free from discrimination on the protected grounds of human rights. This training will prepare supervisors/managers to handle accommodation requests in order to better meet the needs of both the employees and the organization.
Effective Goal Setting

Human Resources | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

When done effectively, setting goals can unleash the hope of opportunity and the power of action. Framing organizational imperatives into goals that are meaningful and personally relevant not only makes people more likely to achieve the goals that they set, but also helps people to feel energized and have a greater sense of satisfaction while pursuing their goals. This course will give an introduction to goal setting, will review the SMART Model, and will look at how to set goals effectively.
Electrical Bed Safety

Health & Safety | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Electrical beds, like any piece of mechanical equipment, can pose a safety risk to those who operate them and those that use them. It is important to be aware of these potential hazards and how to keep yourself and the person using the bed, safe. This course covers general precautions when operating an electrical bed, bed operation, assist rails and side rails, pendant lockout, hazards, and potential injuries.
Electrical Safety

Health & Safety | Approx. 85 Slides | Approx. 35 minutes

Electricians and others who work with electricity require additional electrical safety training due to a number of factors, including changes to code, laws and regulations, equipment, and practices. This course provides a well-rounded approach to electrical safety basics and will increase understanding of the dangers of electricity from a shock protection as well as an arc flash protection point of view. Material covered includes hazards of electricity, isolating circuits LOTO (lockout, tagout), working on energized equipment, personal protective equipment, other considerations, portable electric tools, work area safety, and electrical systems.
Email Etiquette

Technology | Approx. 15 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

This course is designed to educate individuals on the 10 rules of thumb for professional email etiquette.
Emergency Codes in LTC

Long-Term Care | Approx. 60 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

Emergency codes are used in health care facilities worldwide to alert staff to various emergencies. The use of codes is intended to convey essential information quickly and with minimal misunderstanding to staff, while preventing stress and panic among visitors. The purpose of this course is to review the common emergency codes that are used in long term care and provide staff with background knowledge on how to respond and activate them. Every facility will have its own policies and procedures with in-depth disaster plans that staff are responsible for learning in conjunction with this course. Material covered includes codes black, blue/pink, brown, green, grey, purple, red, silver, white, and yellow.
Energy Efficiency in the Workplace

Environmental | Approx. 50 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

With the continued volatility of electricity and natural gas pricing, controlling energy expenditures is a primary concern for many organizations. Saving energy has also become a societal issue. Many scientists now say that climate change is underway due primarily to the burning of fossil fuels and the resulting build up of carbon dioxide and other “greenhouse gases” in the atmosphere. This course will review how to develop a workplace energy savings strategy, lighting, equipment, heating and air conditioning, and an electricity savings strategy.

Long-Term Care | Ontario Only | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Each year, residents of long term care homes experience mild to serious injuries, including death, after becoming entrapped by rails on their beds or falling in their attempt to get over or around them. Overall, there is a desire to remove rails on all residents' beds unless there is good medical reason for them. The purpose of this course is to educate all staff and volunteers on bed rail safety. Material covered includes Ministry of Health Regulations, intended purpose of bed rails, the benefits and risks, the seven areas of entrapment, assessing the situation for use of bedrails, and staff responsibilities.
EpiPen Training

Health & Safety | Generic, School-specific | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

An allergic reaction is a body's immune system response to an allergen, such as a bee sting or peanut butter. Over the past few decades, there has been an increase in the number of people who have severe allergies and can have an allergic reaction that can potentially be life-threatening. Therefore, it is necessary to be prepared and to be able to handle this crisis. This course will review how to recognize the symptoms of an allergic reaction and how to give epinephrine using an EpiPen. Material covered includes how to react if someone has a severe allergic reaction, types of allergic reactions, types of allergens, how to identify a severe allergic reaction, and how to use an EpiPen.
Escorting Residents

Long-Term Care | Ontario Only | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Volunteers contribute immensely to the quality of life of the residents and to the quality of working life of people employed in the long term care facility. This course will familiarize volunteers about safety measures and policies before escorting residents while they are out of the secure residential and treatment area and to ensure that patients are escorted in the least restrictive and most dignified means possible. Material covered includes the resident bill of rights, resident safety, facility policies, and guidelines to follow during the activity.
Fall Protection Awareness Program

Health & Safety | Approx. 115 Slides | Approx. 50 minutes

This course is an introductory program in fall protection principles and is intended to be used as a guide only. All persons must be further trained to use fall arrest equipment in strict adherence with individual manufacturer's instructions and according to safe work practices. Fall protection is a method to prevent a person from falling or by reducing the distance of a fall to limit physical damage. This course will review the anatomy of the fall, slips,
trips and falls, fall protection equipment, other fall protection methods, anchor systems, parts of a system, inspections,
storage and maintenance, how to put on a harness, and the fall protection plan.
Fibre Optic Cable Safety Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

This program contains general information and is intended to give workers practical information relating to the requirements of working safely with fibre optic cables.
Fire Safety

Health & Safety | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

Fire is a chemical reaction involving rapid oxidation or burning of a fuel. It needs three elements to occur; fuel, oxygen, and heat. This course will review how fires are classified, how to prevent fires from occurring, how to identify and inspect fire extinguishers, how to extinguish small fires, when not to fight a fire, what to do if someone catches on fire, and how to evacuate a burning building.
Flash Burn, Arc Eyes, and Welders Flash

Health & Safety | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Everyone requires their eyes to complete their work safely. Eyes, especially the cornea, can be damaged easily by exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun and other sources of ultraviolet light. Corneal damage from a flash burn may cause pain, changes in vision or loss of vision entirely. The purpose of this course is to provide those who work with welding with the tools and information needed to protect their eye sight, work safely and ensure a quick recovery time should a flash burn occur. Material covered includes flash burn, flash burn prevention, and diagnosis and treatment.
Fuel Fired Heaters

Health & Safety | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

When used correctly, temporary heaters can make a working environment much more comfortable. When used incorrectly, they present a significant risk of fire or explosion. This course will review propane cylinder safety, different types of cylinders, propane heaters, propane and cylinder storage, transporting/moving cylinders, and precautions to take if you smell, hear or see gas.
Fuel Handling

Health & Safety | Generic, Marina (ON Only) | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

The goal of this course is to give employees the information and skills to safely dispense fuel from your organizations’ private fuel supply, to prevent fuel-related accidents and incidents, and to give the knowledge to be prepared and use good judgment while handling petroleum products. Material covered includes how to properly and safely dispense fuel in accordance with legislation, responsibilities regarding the safe operation of the fuel pump, the safety devices and equipment at the facility, how to identify potentially dangerous situations before an incident occurs and the need for emergency procedures and what is expected of you during such an incident.
Gas Pump Safety

Health & Safety | Video Course | Approx. 10 minutes

This video provides the viewer with safety tips on how to pump gas safely.
Globally Harmonized System (GHS)

Health & Safety | Approx. 60 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

With the expected implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) in Canada, WHMIS will change. Canadian employers and the suppliers of chemical products will need to prepare to comply with the revised WHMIS rules. This course provides a basic introduction to the expected changes to WHMIS after GHS. Employees will learn about the expected impacts of these changes for chemical suppliers and employers. Suppliers and employers will gain an appreciation for how they can start to prepare for WHMIS after GHS so that they can ensure as smooth a transition as possible.
HR Code of Conduct

Human Resources | Provincially-specific, CLC | Approx. 65 Slides

All employees are required and expected to behave in a respectful, appropriate, legally compliant, and professional manner. The purpose of this course is to make employees aware of the standards they must meet when they carry out their work duties, whether inside or outside the workplace. The information in this course is based off of provincial legislation.
Hair Care at Work

Health & Safety | Approx. 15 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

In today's society, how people style their hair is based on their own personal flair. While this may work in a social environment, while at work subtle changes may need to be made for their own safety and the safety of others. The purpose of this course is to give the employee some insight as to why hair can be a hazard so they can make appropriate styling decisions for work. Material covered includes understanding why hair care is important and understanding what changes the reader may need to make to their hair at work.
Hand Washing

Health & Safety | Video Course | Approx. 3 minutes

This video provides you with instructions on proper hand washing techniques.
Handling Abusive Customers

Human Resources | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 35 minutes

Dealing with abusive customers can be challenging and sometimes even scary. This course will help to prepare you to handle abusive customers by providing insight into their frustration, methods to handle these customers and applying that knowledge in case scenarios.
Hazardous and Common Household Waste Disposal

Environmental | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Household waste can be very hazardous and must be disposed of properly. By safely disposing of hazardous wastes, we can protect the welfare of employees and customers and ensure that, when wastes are disposed of correctly, we are not exposing anyone to potentially dangerous items. This course will educate employees about the risks of household waste and instruct them on how to safely dispose of them both at home and in their workplaces. Material covered includes important definitions as they relate to household waste, helpful tips for recycling and storage, how to reduce hazards related to household waste, and how to safely dispose of hazardous household waste.
Head Lice in Children

Wellness | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

We encounter people in our work environments, in our families, and in our friends who have had to deal with head lice. In our schools, it is common as young children play together and share items of clothing. This course is designed to give an understanding of what head lice are, how to identify lice, preventing the spread of lice, common treatment methods, and a few common myths about lice.
Healthy Eating on the Job

Wellness | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Eating is something that we do every day. What we eat and how often we eat are choices that we make. Trying to eat healthy can be a challenge, especially at work. This course will give the employee some ideas and tips for making healthy choices when they need to eat at work. Material covered includes Canada's Food Guide Servings, the four food groups, barriers to healthy eating, and how to make healthy choices when packing a meal or snacks.
Healthy Feet

Wellness | Approx. 55 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Our feet help us to go where we need to or want to go and to be without our feet can create challenges in how we live. Protecting your feet can help prevent other health issues, such as lower back pain and foot infections. This course will teach the employee some methods for taking care of their feet. Material covered includes proper footwear, footwear in the workplace, footwear for home, footwear for play, common foot ailments, and how to keep our feet healthy.
Hearing Etiquette

Home Health Care | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

One in four adult Canadians has some degree of hearing loss with 4.74% of the population being deaf or hard of hearing. This course is designed to give the employee an understanding of hearing loss, and an appreciation of challenges faced by being hard of hearing. The employee will learn a few tips and tricks to help them be heard easily and clearly by a person who may be hard of hearing. Material covered includes causes of hearing loss, a self-test for hearing loss, diagnosing hearing loss, living with hearing loss, and hard of hearing etiquette.
Heart Disease Prevention in Home Healthcare

Home Health Care | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Today's lifestyle includes larger portions, processed foods, and sitting down. These can all lead to heart disease. According to the World Health Organization and the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia. The course will teach the employee a few methods to help prevent heart disease. Material covered includes how the heart works, understanding heart disease, risk factors for heart disease, and methods to reduce heart disease.
Heart Disease and Prevention

Wellness | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Today's lifestyle includes larger portions, processed foods, and sitting down. These can all lead to heart disease. According to the World Health Organization and the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia. The course will teach the employee a few methods to help prevent heart disease. Material covered includes how the heart works, understanding heart disease, risk factors for heart disease, and methods to reduce heart disease.
Heat Stress Prevention

Health & Safety | Approx. 55 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

Employees who are exposed to extreme heart or work in hot environments may be at risk of heat stress. Exposure to extreme heat can result in occupational illnesses and injuries. This course will help the employee understand the potential hazards of heat stress. Material covered includes types of heat stress, heat strain, first aid measures, health effects and risk factors for heat stress, what you can do in advance and types of controls to implement to prevent heat stress, what the law says an employer must do, and simple methods to measure and monitor the heat.
Hiring the EASIE Way

Human Resources | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

It can be a challenge to find the right candidates for an organization but it doesn't have to be impossible. This course will review the benefits of hiring right and hiring the EASIE way.
Hot Work Permits

Health & Safety | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Hot work is any work using open flames or sources of heat that could ignite materials in the work area. This course will review how to recognize work that requires the use of hot work permits and how to implement the hot work permit process.

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Housekeeping is a basic but important part of accident and fire prevention. Effective housekeeping can help eliminate hazards and increase efficiency in completing a job while poor housekeeping frequently contributes to accidents by hiding hazards that can lead to injuries. This course will review hazards from poor housekeeping, the benefits of good housekeeping, planning a housekeeping program, elements of the program, and will provide some safety tips.
How to Hand Rub Your Hands

Health & Safety | Video Course | Approx. 2 minutes

The purpose of this video is to provide you with instructions on how to use an alcohol based hand rub to prevent infection.
How to Hand Wash

Health & Safety | Video Course | Approx. 2 minutes

The purpose of this video is to provide you with instructions on how to wash your hands.
Human Rights Code

Human Resources | Ontario Only | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

The Ontario Human Rights Code was the first law of its kind in Canada. Before June 15, 1962, various laws dealt with different kinds of discrimination. The Code brought them together into one law and added some new protections. This course discusses the Ontario Human Rights Code. Material covered includes legislation, disabilities and barriers, accommodations, roles and responsibilities, and human rights.
Hypoglycemia Management

Long-Term Care | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

1 in 3 people currently lives with diabetes or pre-diabetes and one of the most common diabetes related emergency room visits is due to hypoglycemia. The purpose of this course is to help employees understand what hypoglycemia is and how to recognize the signs and symptoms as well as how to treat, prevent and manage these in residents.
Impairment in the workplace

Health & Safety | Approx. 55 Slides | Approx. 45 minutes

Impairment in the workplace is an ongoing issue that many employers face. It not only affects the health and safety of the employee, but those who work around them. This module will help employers and supervisors understand their responsibilities with regards to impairment. It discusses causes, signs and symptoms of impairment, recreational and medical cannabis, recognizing and responding to impairment, drug and alcohol testing, fit for duty and the duty to accommodate for drug and alcohol dependencies.
Incident Reporting Process

Home Health Care | Approx. 20 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

As part of the Canadian Patient Safety Institute and Accreditation Canada Standards, reporting on incidents that occur in an Agency is part of the Quality Improvement Initiative in Home Care. The purpose of this course is to give the employee an understanding of what an incident is, the types of incidents that may happen, how and what to report, and the incident reporting process.
Infection Control

Home Health Care | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Preventing the spread of infections is a concern for healthcare workers, the patients they care for, the patient's families, and their own families. The purpose of this course is to teach the employee methods to prevent the spread of an infection. Material covered includes universal precautions to take to prevent infections, reporting of infections in the workplace for patients and yourself, methods of spreading infection, sources of infection, and hand hygiene.
Infection Control, Respiratory Protection and Fit Testing

Health & Safety | Approx. 80 Slides | Approx. 40 minutes

Preventing the spread of infections is a concern for healthcare workers, the patients they care for, the patient's families, and their own families. This course will teach employee the risk factors of sharps, when, why, and how to clean and sanitize your hands, respiratory protection, roles and responsibilities of employers and employees, how to use a respirator, food handling and preparation, and foodborne illnesses.
Infection Prevention and Control Part 1

Long-Term Care | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Health care providers are charged to take all measures possible to protect the health and safety of their residents. The purpose of this module is to educate readers on the best practices surrounding the prevention and spread of infection and the control of infection in times of outbreak. Material covered includes infection transmission, universal practices, hand hygiene, the use of personal protective equipment, types of isolation, and the roles of staff.
Infection Prevention and Control Part 2: Environmental Services

Long-Term Care | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Properly cleaning and disinfecting in Long-Term Care facilities is important to stopping the spread of infections through indirect contact transmissions. It will also prevent the staff and residents from becoming ill. This training module is intended for environmental and cleaning staff to ensure that the critical elements and methods of cleaning and disinfection are incorporated into heath care facility procedures. Material covered includes key terms including cleaning and disinfection, proper chemical dilutions, dedicated equipment/space and care of equipment, factors that determine cleaning frequency, correct sequence of cleaning, and waste handling, sharps safety, and biological spills.
Infection Prevention and Control Part 2: PSWs and Registered Staff

Long-Term Care | Approx. 20 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Properly cleaning and disinfecting in Long-Term Care facilities is important to stopping the spread of infections through indirect contact transmissions. It will also prevent the staff and residents from becoming ill. This module is intended for PSWs and Registered Staff to ensure that the critical elements and methods of cleaning and disinfection are incorporated into health care facility procedures. Material covered includes terms/definitions, cleaning, disinfecting, waste handling, sharps safety, biological spills, and linens.
Infection Prevention and Control Part 2: Volunteers

Long-Term Care | Approx. 20 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Properly cleaning and disinfecting in Long-Term Care facilities is important to stopping the spread of infections through indirect contact transmissions. It will also prevent the staff and residents from becoming ill. This module is intended for volunteers to ensure that the critical elements and methods of cleaning and disinfection are incorporated into health care facility procedures. Material covered includes cleaning equipment used, disinfecting equipment used, and what to do if a biological spill occurs.
Infection Prevention and Control Part 3

Long-Term Care | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Respiratory and gastroenteritis outbreaks occur in LTC homes throughout the year but are more common from the fall to early spring. These can lead to substantial morbidity and mortality in the residence. The purpose of this module is to assist LTC homes with the prevention, detection, and management of respiratory and gastroenteritis outbreaks which arise from the transmission of common pathogens. Material covered includes the Long Term Care Health Act, the role of the Public Health Unit, roles and responsibilities of the LTC homes, outbreak prevention, respiratory outbreak, gastroenteritis outbreak, implementing control measures, documentation/special considerations, and declaring the outbreak over.
Infection Reporting

Home Health Care | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

An infection report is a tool to assist in gathering information on the most common types of infection we see in our workplace. The reports and trends analysis helps to determine what we could have done differently to prevent an infection and/or prevent the spread of an infection. This module is designed to give an understanding of how infection reporting is handled in a homecare agency following the Accreditation Canada Standards. Material covered includes important key terms, infections to report, Accreditation Canada Regulation on Infection Reporting, reporting infections, and quality improvement initiative.
Insects & Poisonous Plants

Health & Safety | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Working outdoors can be peaceful and inspiring, except when exposed to insects and poisonous plants. This course is intended to give employees practical information relating to the hazards associated with working with poisonous plants and insects. Material covered includes health effects associated with poisonous plants and insects.
Introduction to Health and Safety Auditing

Health & Safety | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

This course will provide the employee with an introduction to the basic process of conducting an audit of their Health and Safety Management System. Material covered includes why an audit should be conducted, the basics of auditing, the audit process, the audit report, and the roles and responsibilities of management.
Isocyanate Awareness

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific, CLC | Approx. 55 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

Isocyanates consist of compounds that contain the isocyanate group of chemicals. Isocyanates can be found in many industries across Canada including painting, construction, upholstery manufacturing and ship building. They are both, irritants and sensitizers and even brief exposure can cause serious side-effects later in life. This course is based off of provincial legislation and will review what isocyanates are, health effects from exposure, applicable legislation, how to complete a thorough assessment, types of controls, medical surveillance program, and safety precautions.
Job Hazard Analysis

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

A job hazard analysis is an analysis of a workplace completed by staff to identify hazards to employees and the public. It is conducted to discover what hazards exist in the performance of a job and to find ways to eliminate or minimize them. This course will review the process of conducting a job hazard analysis.
Just Clean Your Hands Introduction

Clinical Services | Video Course | Approx. 9 minutes

Just Clean Your Hands for Family and Friends

Clinical Services | Video Course | Approx. 4 minutes

Just Clean Your Hands for Healthcare Professionals

Clinical Services | Video Course | Approx. 7 minutes

Just Clean Your Hands for Meal Assist

Clinical Services | Video Course | Approx. 1 minute

Just Clean Your Hands for Personal Services Workers

Clinical Services | Video Course | Approx. 6 minutes

Just Clean Your Hands for Residents

Clinical Services | Video Course | Approx. 4 minutes

Just Clean Your Hands for Volunteers

Clinical Services | Video Course | Approx. 4 minutes

Just Clean Your for Hands Housekeeping Staff

Clinical Services | Video Course | Approx. 4 minutes

Keep Those Hands Clean

Wellness | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Clean hands help to prevent the spread of bacteria from one person or surface to another, which is why keeping your hands clean should be a focus of daily practice. The purpose of this course is to give the employee an understanding of why we need to keep our hands clean and to offer some tips on how to do this. Material covered includes when to clean your hands, a review of cleaning methods, identify how bacteria is spread, and how to prevent bacteria from spreading.
Keep Your Vehicle Clean and Safe

Health & Safety | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

We use your vehicles in so many areas of our lives and it is essential that we maintain them so that they can be ready for all the various activities we do. The purpose of this course is to give the employee some tips for keeping their vehicle clean and how to check for potential safety issues. Material covered includes the importance of a clean vehicle interior, the important of a clean vehicle exterior, a 'Do It Yourself' safety inspection, and a licensed technician inspection.
Kitchen Safety

Health & Safety | Generic, Clubhouse-specific | Approx. 90 Slides | Approx. 45 minutes

This course provides basic safety knowledge for people working within a kitchen environment. Material covered includes racking and storage, material handling, spill response, preventing slips, trips and falls, ladders and step stools, kitchen equipment safety, exposure to hot surfaces in a kitchen, lockout system, knife safety, kitchen knife safety, utility knife safety, personal protective equipment, and hazard reporting.
Knife Safety

Health & Safety | Approx. 15 Slides | Approx. 5 minutes

The first step in eliminating knife injuries is to determine if you can remove the use of knives from the workplace. When the removal of knives from the workplace is not possible, an injury prevention program is required. This course will review knife injury prevention, using the right knife for the job, different types of knives, safe storage of knives and blades, personal protective equipment to protect from injury, basic housekeeping, and safe use practices.
Ladder Safety

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific, CLC | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

It is policy that employees receive training on the proper use of the equipment in the workplace. The main goal of ladder safety is to prevent injuries from slips and falls while using a ladder. This course is designed to give the employee the crucial knowledge and information about the why’s and how’s of ladder and step stool safety and will help them understand and interpret the Ladder Safety program. Material covered includes applicable government legislation, ladder inspection, types of ladders, and safety tips for using ladders.
Ladder Safety - Retail

Health & Safety | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

It is policy that employees receive training on the proper use of the equipment in the workplace. The main goal of ladder safety is to prevent injuries from slips and falls while using a ladder. This course is designed to give the employee the crucial knowledge and information about the why’s and how’s of ladder and step stool safety and will help them understand and interpret the Ladder Safety program. Material covered includes ladder inspection, types of ladders, and safety tips for using ladders.
Ladder and Step Stool Safety - Retail

Health & Safety | AB, MB, NS, ON, SK only | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

It is policy that employees receive training on the proper use of the equipment in the workplace. The main goal of ladder safety is to prevent injuries from slips and falls while using a ladder. This course is designed to give the employee the crucial knowledge and information about the why’s and how’s of ladder and step stool safety and will help them understand and interpret the Ladder Safety program. Material covered includes applicable government legislation, ladder inspection, types of ladders, and safety tips for using ladders and step stools.
Ladder and Stilt Safety

Health & Safety | Ontario only | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

It is policy that employees receive training on the proper use of the equipment in the workplace. The main goal of ladder safety is to prevent injuries from slips and falls while using a ladder. This course is designed to give the employee the crucial knowledge and information about the why’s and how’s of ladder and step stool safety and will help them understand and interpret the Ladder Safety program. Material covered includes applicable government legislation, ladder inspection, types of ladders,
safety tips for using ladders, and stilt safety.
Lawn Equipment Safety

Health & Safety | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

This course is designated for those in the lawn care and maintenance industry. Employees will be taught about the basic hazards they may encounter and how to control them should they arise during the course of their work. Material covered includes personal protective equipment to be used while operating lawn equipment, preparing to perform the task, preparing the equipment before the task, safe operation of equipment, and safety precautions to take.
Lead in the Workplace

Health & Safety | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

It is a worker's legislated right to know the hazards of their working environment. This course will review one of these potential hazards; lead. Material covered is a review of what lead is, why it's hazardous, lead as a designated substance, how it can affect you, what the hazard is, signs and symptoms of lead poisoning, how workplaces protect you from the hazard, and how workplaces dispose of the product.

Human Resources | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Facing tough issues and aggressive goals, today’s businesses win by preparing genuine leaders who live out the mission and values of their organization. Top businesses know that genuine leaders increase retention, productivity, and bottom line results. In this course, employees will learn to identify the types of power and their uses, qualities of a leader, will gain knowledge about the different types of leaders, will evaluate their leadership style and how it affects relations, and will identify the key elements of leadership.
Lice at Home

Wellness | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Head lice are tiny wingless parasitic insects that live among human hairs, as they feed upon tiny amounts of blood from the scalp. School is a common place where head lice may present as young children play together and share items of clothing. This course will teach the employee how to identify a lice infestation, how to treat family members, and about prevention.
Lift Truck Operators Training Program

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific, CLC | Approx. 335 Slides | Approx. 150 minutes

This course is designed to teach the theory portion of lift truck operation. Lift truck operators will still need to complete a practical evaluation following completion of this online course. Material covered includes lift truck terminology, duties and obligations, rights and offences, policy and procedures, classification and recommended types, components and controls, general safety, pre-start inspections, and cautions.
Lift Truck Pedestrian Safety

Health & Safety | Approx. 20 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

This training course is designated for those who work in environments with lift trucks. Not only is it important to keep the operators of lift trucks safe, but it is also important to keep pedestrians working around lift trucks safe as well. Being run over or struck by a forklift is one of the leading causes of critical injuries and fatalities in the warehousing and retail sectors. This course will review lift truck hazards, causes of accidents, safeguards, and pedestrian safety.
Lifting Devices

Health & Safety | Approx. 50 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Employees in warehousing, transportation, manufacturing, retails and many other industry sectors have to lift and move materials as part of their jobs. With musculoskeletal disorders becoming a leading cause of occupational injury, this course will give employees the tools they need to work safety with lifting
devices in order to protect their bodies. This course will review two-wheeled manual hand trucks, four-wheeled manual hand trucks and carts, powered industrial trucks, conveyors, industrial hoists, ergonomic assist devices, and general precautions when operating these lifting devices.
Loading Dock Safety

Health & Safety | Approx. 15 Slides | Approx. 5 minutes

A loading dock is a recessed bay in a building or facility where trucks are loaded and unloaded. They are a part of a facility's service or utility infrastructure, typically providing direct access
to distribution areas, storage rooms, and freight elevators.
This course will review what a loading dock is, loading dock hazards, and how to control those hazards.
Lockout Tagout Training Program

Health & Safety | Approx. 55 Slides | Approx. 25 mintues

The Lockout/Tagout Training Program is designed to help prevent costly injuries, fatalities and other losses caused by exposure to uncontrolled energy sources. Lockout/Tag Out is geared for individuals who work with or near machines or equipment requiring energy. This includes maintenance, repair and set-up personnel and operators. This course covers the servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment in which the unexpected energization, or start up of the machines or equipment, or release of stored energy could cause injuries to employees. Material covered includes applicable definitions, types of energy, scope and application, written procedures, preparation for shutdown, multi-lock lockout, restoring the equipment to service, and periodic inspections.
Looking at the Act

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific | Video Course | Approx. 7 minutes

In this course, we introduce learners to understanding the layout of their province's Occupational Health and Safety Act and how to search it for information.
Lunchroom Hygiene

Wellness | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Having a clean place to eat while at work is very important both for hygiene purposes and employee engagement. Keeping lunchroom areas clean will also help to reduce the risk of contracting a bacterial or viral infection. This course will give the reader an understanding of the importance of having a clean lunchroom. Material covered includes safe food storage, food preparation, proper hand-washing, where bacteria grows, keeping your lunchroom clean, and lunchroom etiquette.
MSD & Me

Health & Safety | Approx. 180 Slides | Approx. 135 minutes

The following course is comprised of six modules designed to instruct employees, managers and supervisors on the following topics; the importance of MSD Awareness and Ergonomics, Basic Anatomy of the Body, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Ergonomics, Guidelines for Movement Safety and Safe Lifting and Body Care and Prevention Tips.
MSD Basics

Health & Safety | Approx. 40 slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Every day the human body faces wear and tear. Whether it be from a long commute, a gruelling workout, lifting heavy objects, or completing repetitive tasks; it all takes a toll. Workers have a right to be aware of the hazards they face on the job and know how to control those hazards. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are one of those hazards. MSD Basics educates learners on what MSDs are, including the main risk factors, how to identify controls for MSDs and practice guidelines for safe movement.
Machine Guarding

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific, CLC | Approx. 50 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Serious accidents and injuries such as severe lacerations and amputations can result from inadequate or inappropriate machine guarding. The aim of this course is to inform employees about the different types of machine guards that are used in the workplace, the critical elements of machine guarding, common pitfalls with machine guards and associated safe work practices. Material covered includes applicable legislation, hazards of unguarded machines, drawing in points and entanglement areas, types of guards, and safety devices.
Managing a Multigenerational Workplace

Human Resources | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Today’s workplace can see up to five generations working side-by-side. It is increasingly important for managers/supervisors to understand both the needs and values that this range of diversity brings to the workplace. This course discusses stereotypes to avoid, the benefits of a multi-generational workforce, building a collaborative team, methods of communication, and knowledge sharing in the workplace between different generations.
Manual Pallet Pump Trucks

Health & Safety | Approx. 15 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Manual pallet pump trucks are used in a multitude of workplaces. The use of pallet trucks to transport loads instead of carrying them saves workers a lot of effort. It also decreases the risk of overexertion injury in jobs that include manual materials handling. Pushing, pulling, and maneuvering pallet trucks, however, still involve some of the old hazards (overexertion) and creates new ones. This course will review common injuries associated with pallet trucks, safe operation, how to use hand pallet trucks, and will go over the pre-use checklist.
Minor Spill Response

Health & Safety | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

In this course, employees will be provided with the basic knowledge about responding to minor spills. Material covered includes what a minor spill is, what the appropriate response to a minor spill is, how to handle biological spills, the items used in the clean-up, and developing a plan for spill prevention.

Health & Safety | Approx. 10 Slides | Approx. 5 minutes

Mould microorganisms are rapidly growing fungi, which can cause mild to severe health symptoms. Mould spores will always be present in buildings, whether blown in through windows or other openings, brought in by ventilation equipment, or tracked in with dust and dirt. This course is intended to give contractors and workers practical information relating to the requirements of working safely with mould. Material covered includes health effects caused by mould exposure, assessing mould hazards, and cleaning mould.
Naloxone Administration

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

This training meets the requirements of the Ontario Naloxone Training. It covers how to recognize an overdose, how to administer Naloxone (video), and hazards related to the administration of Naloxone. It also includes general information on opioids and addiction as well as an overview of the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act.
Office Safety

Health & Safety | Generic, Ontario-specific | Approx. 55 Slides | Approx. 40 minutes

This course aims to address concepts relating to office safety. Material covered includes hazard identification, using office equipment, office safety tips, accident investigation and reporting, office specific hazards, and WHMIS.

Material in the Ontario version also includes obligations under the law, roles and responsibilities, health and safety committees and representatives, health and safety partners, due diligence, hazard identification and occupational illness.
Ontario LTCHA and Regulations

Long-Term Care | Ontario only | Approx. 65 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

Ontario's Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 (LTCHA) and Ontario Regulation 79/10 (Regulation) made under the Act came into force on July 1, 2010. The LTCHA is designed to help ensure that residents receive safe, consistent, high-quality, resident-centered care. The purpose of this course is to provide a general overview of the LTCHA and the Ontario Regulations that pertain to the frontline staff and volunteer's roles and responsibilities. Material covered includes the Resident Bill of Rights, mission statement, safe and secure homes, care plans and plan of care, nursing and personal support services, required programs, responsive behaviours, altercations and behaviours, and restorative care.
Pain Management

Long-Term Care | Approx. 60 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

Health care and its views towards pain has drastically changed over the last thirty years. Severe pain is now viewed as an emergency situation deserving prompt treatment. Untreated pain can increase morbidity and mortality in long-term care. This course will review the nature and physiology of pain, types of pain, pain misconceptions, consequences of untreated pain factors affecting pain, assessment of pain, treatment of pain, and documentation.
Palliative Care

Long-Term Care | Ontario only | Approx. 50 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

While people of all ages may need palliative services, most people who use them will be the elderly. The purpose of this module is to educate all registered staff and personal support workers in long-term care about palliative care and their roles and responsibilities. Material covered includes the palliative framework in Ontario, what palliative care is, palliative care staff competencies, the goal of palliative care, palliative care plan, symptoms and treatment, and spiritual care and supporting families.
Patient Complaint Reporting

Home Health Care | Approx. 20 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Patient complaints and concerns in the work environment come from patient perceptions or an expectation that has not been met by an employee and/or the agency. This course is designed to give the employee an understanding of how complaints are handled in a homecare agency following Accreditation Canada Standards. Material covered includes types of complaints, Accreditation Canada regulation on complaints, patient rights and complaints, quality improvement initiative, and reporting complaints.
Pedestrian Safety Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

As a pedestrian, it is crucial that you be aware of your surroundings, listen for sounds indicating danger, and be seen by vehicle operators. This module helps employees identify types of crossings and how to safely cross. As well, it addresses how to safely work around mobile equipment such as lift trucks, garbage trucks, construction equipment, snow removal equipment, etc.
Performance Management

Human Resources | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

Performance management is more than just a performance review or disciplinary action for performance infractions. It is a continuous process used to identify, measure, communicate, develop, coach, and reward employee performance. Applying the fundamentals from this training to your performance management practices will ensure you are setting your employees up for success and providing supporting information for you to make important decisions relating to the overall business success.
Personal Development

Human Resources | Approx. 75 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

Whatever you set your mind to achieve, you can achieve. But only if you have a way to achieve it. This course will give you additional skills to help you achieve your goals by helping you develop a practical set of skills that will improve personal effectiveness both at home and at work. Employees will learn proven techniques that will increase their abilities in key areas: achieving goals, confident communication, assertiveness, handling difficult people, time management, decision-making, self-motivation, and positive mental attitude.
Personal Protective Equipment

Health & Safety | Generic, Health care-specific | Approx. 55 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

Personal protective equipment (PPE) protects you by creating a barrier against workplace hazards. Everyone must wear all PPE required by the Occupational Health and Safety Legislation or your employer's policies. This course will review employer responsibilities, employee responsibilities, and PPE requirements.
Phishing Awareness

Technology | Approx. 20 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Phishing is a cybercrime that targets individuals through random emails, telephone calls, or text messages by posing as a company or person to lure you into providing sensitive data or access to your devices. This module will explain the different types of phishing, how to spot a red flag, and the best measures to take to protect yourself.
Portable Grinder Safety

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

A portable grinder is used to grind excess metal from welds, remove rust, and for special finishing operations. Since the grinder is such a common tool, the risks involved with them may tend to be taken for granted. This course will review common hazards associated with portable grinder use, grinder wheel safety issues, wheel mounting safety, proper handling and precautions, and critical safe behaviours for all powered tools.
Power and Hand Tool Safety Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

This course should be taken by any workers who use hand and power tools and who are exposed to the hazards of falling, flying, abrasive and splashing objects, or exposed to harmful dusts, fumes, mists, vapors, or gases. Material covered includes power tools, abrasive wheels, pneumatic tools, fuel fired tools, explosive actuated tools, and other tools such as jacks, knives, etc.
Powered Aerial Platform Lift (Elevated Platform)

Health & Safety | Approx. 90 Slides | Approx. 45 minutes

This course is intended as an introduction to the operation, inspection, and care of powered aerial platforms in general. All intended operators of powered aerial platforms equipment must complete all the identified prerequisite training as listed in this course along with any additional specific training required by their employer.
Prevention of Resident Abuse and Neglect

Long-Term Care | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

The goal of long-term care homes is to create environments where residents feel at home, are treated with respect, and have the supports and services they need for health and well-being. The purpose of this course is to ensure that all team members are informed and understand all concepts and expectations surrounding the prevention and reporting of resident abuse and neglect. Material covered includes recognizing abuse and neglect, prevention of abuse and neglect, the role of team members, handling complaints, and mandatory reporting.
Problem Solving

Human Resources | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

When you're solving problems, it's all-too-easy easy to skip over important steps in the problem-solving process, meaning that you can miss good solutions, or, worse still, fail to identify the problem correctly in the first place. This course will review the seven-step cycle to solving problems; identify the problem, explore the problem, set goals, gather possible solutions, select a possible solution, implement a possible solution, and evaluate.
Propane Handling Training Program

Health & Safety | Health Care, Industrial, Retail | Approx. 85 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

Propane is a common gas used at work and at home. In order to use propane safely, workers need to understand propane's characteristics and hazards, legislation that applies, safe use, storage and transport of propane cylinders, and first aid. This course will provide employees with a general understanding of the safe and efficient operation of propane handling, with health safety regulations, and reduce or eliminate injuries or illnesses in the workplace related to handling propane.
Proper Gripping and Handling

Health & Safety | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Incorrect gripping and handling is one of the most common causes of injury at work. It causes work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), which account for over a third of all workplace injuries. To prevent MSDs, it is important to know how to handle materials in the safest way possible. This course will review the proper way to grip and handle materials to help avoid excessive strain. Material covered includes ergonomics, gripping, posture, force, repetition, and general precautions.
Psychological Health & Safety Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 60 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

Mental health claims comprise a third of all Canadian claims. Recognizing and assessing the contribution of the workplace to a worker's mental health is crucial in curbing these statistics. This course will examine the factors that affect psychological health and safety, signs and symptoms to consider, and tips on supporting employees' mental health.
R.A.C. and the Hazard Assessment Form

Health & Safety | Approx. 70 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Racking and Storage

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Workplaces with racking and storage facilities may contain potentially serious hazards. The improper use, selection and installation, or maintenance of racking and storage systems may put workers at risk of injury. This course will review the risks and hazards of racking and storage systems, pre-start health and safety reviews/assessments, introduction to CSA Standard(s), inspections, and maintenance.
Radiation Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

This module is awareness only. It is generic content only and is not considered training for working with radiation. This module provides employees with awareness of the hazards and general guidelines of working with radiation. This module can also be used by an employer as a template to create their workplace specific training for the types of radiation that the workers may be exposed to. When customizing this module, information specific to the workplace and the type of equipment used must be included. Any training created from this module must meet the requirements of the applicable safety codes or regulations for radiation.
Radio Frequency Safety Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Almost every area of your day-to-day life uses radio frequency (RF) energy. It keeps us connected through radio signals, and wifi and cellular devices. Though RF energy is useful, it can pose a considerable health risk associated with RF radiation. This module is intended for those who work with or around transmission towers. It reviews the hazards associated with RF energy, symptoms of exposure, control measures and safe work practices.
Recognition, Assessment, Control and Evaluation

Health & Safety | Approx. 60 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

Dealing with hazards in the workplace involves three key steps; recognize the hazard, assess the hazard, and control the hazard. This course will review what a hazard is, health and safety hazards, routes of entry, the different types of agents, psychosocial hazards, and controls for prevention.
Recruitment Training

Human Resources | Approx. 65 Slides | Approx. 35 minutes

This recruitment module is designed for Managers/Employers as a guide for conducting a successful recruitment process. From creating job descriptions to onboarding, this module provides step by step instruction, including best practices and legal considerations to follow in order to be successful and mitigate risk during your recruitment process.
Resident Bill of Rights ON

Long-Term Care | Ontario only | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Long-term care homes are places where seniors can live and receive care services such as nursing and personal assistance. In 1987, the Bill of Rights for Residents of Ontario Nursing Homes became law. This course will review the laws of Ontario and the Resident Bill of Rights, dignity and respect, prevention of abuse and neglect, care services, consent and choices, minimizing of restraining, communications and concerns or complaints, and other rights.
Resident Safety

Long-Term Care | Ontario only | Approx. 75 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

Resident safety is a fundamental principle of long term care. The purpose of this course is to review most of the areas where resident safety is a concern so staff can learn to anticipate adverse effects and implement safety interventions. Material covered includes an overview of resident safety, work environment safety, equipment safety, infection prevention and control, medication administration, restraints and entrapment, falls prevention, responsive behaviours, choking prevention, skin and wound care, and risk management.
Respect in the Workplace

Human Resources | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Respect can be defined as consideration for self and of others. Respect in the workplace is important as it leads to better employee morale, increased productivity, and a better working environment. This course will review practices of respect, respect in the workplace, respectful communication, and disrespect in the workplace.
Responsive Behaviours

Health & Safety | Ontario only | Approx. 55 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Behavioural disturbances occur in up to 75% of nursing home residents, most of them with dementia. More than half will exhibit 2 or more problem behaviours. The purpose of this course is for team members to be competent in caring for residents with cognitive impairments such as dementia. This means having the necessary knowledge and strategies to safely respond to residents who demonstrate verbal or physically reactive behaviours. Material covered includes a review of what responsive behaviours are, what the triggers of responsive behaviours are and how this impacts the resident, the nature of dementia, assessing the resident and determining the cause of the responsive behaviour, resolving triggers, and BSO program and process.
Return to Work

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

The goal of Early and Safe Return to Work (ESRTW) is to quickly return workers to suitable employment at little to no lost earnings. The responsibility for achieving this goal primarily lies with the worker and the employer. This course will focus on the role of the worker and will review non-medical ESRTW, required steps for ESRTW plan, injury reporting, communication, and hints and tips.
Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Committees

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific, CLC | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

A Safety Committee is made up of workers and employers working together to identify health and safety problems in the workplace. A Safety Committee plays a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe and is a requirement under Occupational Health and Safety Law. This course will review the history of Safety Committees, requirements of a committee, committee setup, terms of reference, communication, and duties and authorities.
Run Flats and Zipper Ruptures

Health & Safety | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

It is essential that all service technicians be able to identify the signs of potential run flats for the prevention of zipper ruptures, and to ensure the safety of themselves, their fellow co-workers and the customer from injury or fatality. This course will review causes and signs of run flats and zipper ruptures, equipment and PPE to be used, steps to follow, and recommended practices with truck tires.
Running a Safety Committee Meeting

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific, CLC | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Safety Committees play a pivotal role in keeping the workplace safe. In a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to effectively manage a committee and keep on task. This course offers tips and resources to effectively run a safety committee meeting and hold workers and managers accountable for recommended corrective actions. Material covered includes assigning secretaries and co-chairs, co-chair's duties, meeting frequency, attendance policy, entitlement, the agenda, conducting a meeting, preparing and submitting recommendations, and meeting minutes. This course is based off of provincial legislation.
Safe Clean Up of Feces

Health & Safety | Approx. 20 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Feces is not something to be taken lightly, as it is considered a biohazard that may contain many bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Because the risk of infection or contamination is so high, it is imperative that those who perform the job of cleaning up fecal matter are properly trained and equipped. The purpose of this course is to teach the employee the proper cleaning methods to prevent the spread of an infection.
Safe Driving

Health & Safety | Approx. 155 Slides | Approx. 85 minutes

For workers who drive either a company vehicle or their own vehicle on the job, safe driving is a matter of occupational safety. This course will review hazards of the road, common causes of accidents, control methods for preventing accidents, driver safety, the vehicle, the environment, winter driving, rules of the road, sharing the road, and aggressive driving.
Safe Handling of Compressed Gas

Health & Safety | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Compressed gases have a vast number of uses in almost every type of industry. They are sold in containers, commonly referred to as cylinders' as a matter of practicality. This course will review compressed gases and containers, hazards associated with compressed gases and containers, safe handling and use, safe storage, safe transportation, and emergency considerations.
Safe Handling of Sharps Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Small but mighty; sharps present a plethora of hazards in the workplace, including some life altering illnesses. Sharps are present in various industries and need to be effectively controlled. This course will review sharps, associated hazards, safe handling and use, and sharp prevention considerations.
Safe Operation of Automotive Lifts

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific, CLC | Approx. 90 Slides | Approx. 40 minutes

Safe operation of automotive lifts is essential to avoid injuries and accidents and ensure the job is done right. Each employee in the industry must learn the right way to lift a vehicle without causing injury or property damage. Any employee working with automotive lifts must be provided with the tools to work safely. This course will review classification of lifts, types of lifts, operating precautions, lifting safety, lifting/lowering the vehicle, what to avoid when using a lift, accident prevention, maintenance of lifts, and employer responsibilities.
Safe Operation of Golf Carts

Health & Safety | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Many people do not realize how dangerous a golf cart can be and how different operating a cart is from a motor vehicle like a car or SUV. This course will review cart operation, maintenance and repair, and golf course etiquette.
Safe Use of Automotive Fluids

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific, CLC | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Numerous automotive repair facilities routinely use a variety of automotive fluids that may be considered hazardous. Included are: motor oil, solvents, brake fluids, parts washer solutions, paints, antifreeze, and batteries. This course will review the applicable provincial legislation regarding automotive fluids, the hazards associated with different types of fluids, and tips for safe use and storage.
Safe Use of Therapeutic Equipment

Long-Term Care | Ontario only | Approx. 75 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

Nurses and personal support workers have one of the highest incidents of work related back injuries of all occupations and the use of therapeutic equipment has been increasing in healthcare. The purpose of this course is to educate health care workers on the different therapeutic equipment that can be used in long term care, when each one should be used, and the safety tips behind it. Material covered includes mobility and benefits, body mechanics, resident transfers, types of therapeutic equipment, assessment, and documentation.
Safety Basics

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific, CLC | Approx. 115 Slides | Approx. 55 minutes

This course provides readers with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides employees with a basic overview of health and safety legislation and regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. Material covered includes applicable law, roles and responsibilities, hazard identification, personal protective equipment, safety basics, office safety, preventing violence, preventing back injuries, and early safe return to work. The content of this course is based off of provincial legislation.
Safety Basics: Healthcare

Health & Safety | Ontario only | Approx. 110 Slides | Approx. 45 minutes

Safety Basics for health care provides readers in the health care field with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely. Safety Basics provides employees with a basic overview of health and safety legislation regulations in their province and introduces them to the concept of health and safety. Material covered includes the law, roles and responsibilities, WHMIS, blood borne diseases, precautions, sharps, back safety, hazard identification and control, housekeeping, aggressive residents/patients, personal protective equipment, discipline for health and safety infractions, occupational illness, early and safe return to work, and safety hints and tips.
Safety and Bathing

Home Health Care | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Working in a facility, safety issues regarding bathing a patient are addressed by the facility and bathrooms are adapted for the patients, but in a person's home, the appropriate equipment may not be there. This course will teach the employee a few safety tips for bathing a patient. Material covered includes the safety of the patient during bathing, the safety of the employee during bathing, statistics related to injury in the bathroom, identifying bathroom risks for bathing, and preventing injury of the patient.
Safety and Medical Devices in the Home

Home Health Care | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Many people who receive home care services require the use of a medical device, or several medical devices, depending on their care needs. Workers need to know how to use a patient's device, and what to do if there is a malfunction in the equipment, to ensure patient safety. This course is designed to give the employee an understanding of safety regulations while working with medical devices in a patient's home. Material covered includes regulations of approved equipment, recall of devices, devices used in a patient's home, maintenance of devices, calibration and repairs, education on devices, and logs for devices.
Scaffolding Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

A scaffold is a temporary structure which provides support for workers and materials used in construction, maintenance, repair, and demolition work and is a valuable aid as it enables workers to perform many jobs which would otherwise not be possible. This course will review scaffold hazards, duties of a competent person, basic scaffold requirements, fall protection and guardrails, and employee training.
Scissor Lifts

Healthy & Safety | Approx. 110 Slides | Approx. 60 minutes

Scissor lifts are a type of Mobile Elevating Work Platform (Group A). This training module provides an overview of scissor lifts safety. By the end of this training and after both the written and practical tests, you should be ready to operate a scissor lift. You will be familiar with the equipment used by your employer, have an increased knowledge of how to set up and safely operate it, and be able to recognize and avoid common hazards associated with their use.
Silica Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

This module will provide employees with basic information regarding silica and its hazards, including identifying typical silica containing materials and processes that can expose employees to silica. This awareness module does not qualify employees to work with silica containing materials.
Skin and Wound Care

Long-Term Care | Ontario only | Approx. 70 Slides | Approx. 30 minutes

Wounds are a serious health care issue with profound personal, clinical and economic implications. The purpose of skin care and wound management is to identify residents at risk for breakdown, to prevent and manage skin breakdown, to reduce pain and infections, to reduce overall incidence of pressure ulcers, and to promote an optimal level of function for the resident for their comfort and quality of life. This course will review anatomy and physiology of skin, wound healing, types of wounds, prevention, assessment, skin/wound programs and staff responsibilities.
Slips, Trips and Falls Basics

Health & Safety | Approx. 20 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of workplace injuries and result in injuries to over 42,000 workers every year, which accounts for 17% of all lost time injuries. Preventing such injuries should be a key goal of every safe and healthy workplace. This course will review examples and prevention of slips and trips, examples and and prevention of different types of falls, and tips for how to minimize injury when falling.
Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention Program

Health & Safety | Approx. 135 Slides | Approx. 55 minutes

Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of workplace injuries and result in injuries to over 42,000 workers every year, which accounts for 17% of all lost time injuries. Preventing such injuries should be a key goal of every safe and healthy workplace. This course will review the differences among slips, trips and falls, identify the hazards that can cause each one, assess slip, trip and fall hazards, select engineering controls to manage these hazards, and establish administrative and work controls to manage hazards.
Spill Response

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific | Approx. 70 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

This course provides the reader with more extensive information regarding responding to minor spills; those spills where the worker is able to take the necessary measures to control, contain, and clean up spilled materials. Material covered includes applicable legislation, definitions and characteristics of minor spills, the spill response program, response of a minor spill, spill kits, prevention plans, and training.
Stress Busters

Wellness | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Stress affects most of us. It's how our mind and body reacts to changes. Being able to recognize and identify what causes stress is important to being able to manage it in a way that will prevent physical or mental illness. This course is designed to help employees manage stress, whether at home, work, or play. Material covered includes looking at what stress is, symptoms of stress, recognizing the causes of stress, and methods to reduce stress.
Supervisor Competency

Health & Safety | Ontario only | Approx. 445 Slides | Approx. 210 minutes

Under section 8(5) of the OHSA, it is required that appointed supervisors be competent. Properly training supervisors is part of meeting this requirement. Comprised of 5 modules, Supervisor Competency offers a perspective on the competencies that supervisors require in order to achieve superior workplace management. Superior workplace management results in greater health and safety within the operation and a better understanding of social responsibility in the workplace. The Supervisor Competency training program outlines the activities, knowledge and skills that are expected to enhance a supervisor’s performance. By providing examples, the course encourages continuous improvement and strives to make a positive difference in supervisory outcomes in today’s workplaces. Upon completion of the 5 modules of the program, supervisors will be issued a competency certificate.
The Art of Delegation

Human Resources | Approx. 50 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

Delegation involves giving another person a task for which the delegator remains ultimately responsible. This course will review why to delegate, barriers to delegation, levels of delegation, and IDEAL steps in delegation.
The Law CLC

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides

In this course, you will learn the law, your roles and responsibilities, hazard identification, and your due diligence as it pertains to the Canadian Labour Code.
Time Management

Human Resources | Approx. 15 Slides | Approx. 5 minutes

Efficient time management is the key to getting the most out of your day, and to surviving the increased business pressure brought about by economic turmoil. From managing emails to juggling multiple projects, this time management course will help you reach your goals by learning how to budget your time wisely and effectively and help you rethink and re-prioritize on a moment’s notice. Material covered includes why time management is so important, best practices, and the costs of bad time management.
Traffic Control Awareness

Health & Safety | AB, BC, MB, NL, NS, ON, PE, SK | Approx. 50 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

This course is intended to assist personnel who act as traffic control persons (TCPs) to help improve the health and safety of the worker while they perform traffic control duties. The material covered includes regulations, personal protective equipment, TCP on the job, how to signal, communication and problems, and code of conduct.
Transportation of Dangerous Goods

Health & Safety | Approx. 145 Slides | Approx. 60 minutes

Each year more and more workers are handling hazardous materials that are moved across Canada by road, rail, water and air. All companies, management and workers need to be educated about the potential hazards involved when transporting these products. This course will review training, enforcement, responsibilities and duties, classifications, packing and risk groups, classes, exemptions, safety marks, documentation, means of containment, and consignor certification and proof of classification.
Trenching and Shoring General Awareness

Health & Safety | Ontario only | Approx. 55 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Studies show that excavation work is one of the most hazardous types of work done in the construction industry. Injuries from excavation work tend to be of a very serious nature and often result in fatalities. The greatest risk comes from an unexpected cave-in, but other hazards include falls, falling objects, lack of oxygen in a close space, etc. This course will review legislation, soil types, inspections, weather, allowable slopes, shoring and benching, pre-fabricated/trench boxes, and safe access and egress.
Truck Training

Health & Safety | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Before allowing workers to drive trucks, it is important they have the knowledge and skills required to work safely. This course is designed to give truck drivers a basic overview of what is required to drive trucks safely. Material covered includes driver qualifications, inspection, air brake adjustment, logbook, loading and unloading, and driver violations.
Understanding Viruses, Trojans and Worms

Technology | Approx. 10 Slides | Approx. 5 minutes

Computers are a fragile thing. Like human bodies, computers age, slow down and can become infected. Like our doctors who help us maintain our health, we are able to maintain the health of our computers. What do we need to know to keep our computers safe from viruses, trojans and worms?

Understanding Your Computer Hardware

Technology | Approx. 15 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

This introductory awareness course will help us understand what is inside of our computers and what they are for. With a greater understanding of how our computers operate will assist you in maintaining and purchasing new systems in the future.
Using the Hazard Assessment Form

Health & Safety | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

A workplace hazard assessment form is a tool used to assess the workplace and identify hazards before they become a problem. It is a requirement under the law that employers know their workplace hazards and implement controls to reduce or eliminate them. This course will teach employees to use the workplace hazard assessment form in conjunction with the recognition, assessment and control principles to deal with all hazards. It is recommended that readers take Recognize, Assess and Control prior to taking this course.
Vehicle Mounted Aerial Devices

Health & Safety | Approx. 110 Slides | Approx. 50 minutes

Vehicle Mounted Aerial Devices (VMAD), such as bucket trucks, are commonly used to lift employees and materials to great heights and are mainly used for maintenance, repairs, construction, and tree trimming. This training program will teach you how to identify hazards and controls critical to the safe operation of this VMAD. At the end of this training and after both the written and practical exams, you should be ready to operate a vehicle mounted aerial device. You will be familiar with the equipment used by your company, have an increased knowledge of how to setup and safely operate it and be able to recognize and avoid the most common hazards associated with its use.
Verticle Mast

Health & Safety | Approx. 110 Slides | Approx. 50 minutes

Vertical mast lifts are a type of Mobile Elevating Work Platform (Group A). This training module provides an overview of Vertical Mast lifts safety. At the end of this training and after both the written and practical exams, you should be ready to operate a vertical mast lift. You will be familiar with the equipment used by your company, have an increased knowledge of how to setup and safely operate it and be able to recognize and avoid the most common hazards associated with its use.
Voice of the Client

Human Resources | Approx. 20 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

In order to retain existing clients and attract new business, it is imperative to listen to clients’ wants and needs. This course will explore what the “voice of the client” is and why it is important in your business. It covers how to implement “voice of the client” procedures into your workplace so that client feedback is being used to make meaningful improvements in your workplace.

Health & Safety | Approx. 75 Slides | Approx. 35 minutes

The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). GHS is a worldwide system. With a common set of rules for classifying hazardous products, common rules for labels, and a standard format for safety data sheets (SDSs). As of December 1, 2018, there must be WHMIS labels and safety data sheets for all hazardous products in the workplace. This course focuses on the changes to WHMIS with the implementation of GHS. The material covered includes roles and responsibilities, hazard pictograms, hazard classes, labels and their required elements, safety data sheets and how to read them, and will give the reader a chance to apply their knowledge.
WHMIS and Pesticide Awareness

Health & Safety | Approx. 35 Slides | Approx. 16 minutes

This program was developed as a result of concerns about how pest control products were being used, handled and stored in the workplace. This program is designed to ensure that employees who work near, with or handle pest control products are made aware of the hazards associated with them to stay safe. This training module will help you to understand and interpret the requirements under the Pest Control Act. You will learn about government legislation, pesticides, classification, labelling, storage, display, use, and responding to spills and leaks.
What You Need to Know About Phone-Based Customer Service

Human Resources | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 25 minutes

In this course, we will provide you with the tools needed to overcome the challenges faced during phone-based interactions and show you how to develop rapport with your customers to feel confident in interacting over the phone and managing difficult conversations.
Whistleblower Protection

Long-Term Care | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

It may not grab headlines like schoolyard bullying, but elder abuse is an equally harmful and a prevalent problem. The purpose of this course is to review what whistleblowing is in long-term care, the responsibility of the staff member, and how they are protected.
Wildlife Safety

Health & Safety | Approx. 25 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Working outdoors can be peaceful and awe inspiring, especially when you observe wildlife in their natural habitat. However, what do you do when peacefully observing wildlife puts workers health and safety in danger? This course is intended to give employees practical information relating to the hazards associated with working amongst wildlife, and how to protect yourself in a wildlife encounter.
Winter Preparedness

Health & Safety | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Winter tends to be one of the most dreaded seasons, yet every year we seem to be surprised when it arrives. This module explains how workplaces can be affected by winter weather, discusses the various types of winter weather warnings, and identifies common winter hazards and controls to reduce the risk. This module will equip you with essential tips and strategies to keep warm and safe this coming winter season.
Work Refusal

Health & Safety | Provincially-specific, CLC | Approx. 15 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

Occupational Health and Safety Legislation gives workers the right to refuse work when it is believed to be unsafe. It is important that workers, employers, supervisors, health and safety representatives and committee members understand this procedure. By completing this course, readers will understand the procedures in refusing unsafe work and what to expect during the process of refusal. Material covered includes the work refusal process and the documentation involved.
Worker Awareness Training

Health & Safety | Ontario only | Approx. 130 Slides | Approx. 60 minutes

The worker awareness training program is comprised of three modules which are designed to provide all workers with the basics of health and safety, as it is applied to the workplace. On working through this training program, readers will able to understand their obligations and role to health and safety within the workplace. Module 1 is an introduction to health and safety, module 2 looks at workplace hazards, and module 3 deals with working together for safety.
Working From Home

Health & Safety | Approx. 15 Slides | Approx. 10 minutes

This module is designed to help employees set up their workstations when working from home either full-time, part-time or as a temporary solution (i.e. global pandemic, workplace renovations etc.). The module also includes a PDF printout for employees to help set up their workstations with proper ergonomics and stretches to help prevent injury.
Working with the Visually Impaired

Home Health Care | Approx. 30 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

We work with people in their homes, and we want them to be safe there. Some patients may have had visual impairment for many years and have developed methods to safe be at home. For others, this may be a new challenge that will take some adjustments. The purpose of this course is to teach the reader a few tips and methods for working with a patient who has vision loss and help them to be safe in their own home. Material covered includes types of visual impairment, adaptations in the home, how you can help, a self test for visually impaired, and resources for people with visual impairment.
Workplace Conflict Resolution – For Managers

Human Resources | Approx. 45 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable. What matters most is how those conflicts are resolved. Effective conflict resolution can help build confidence in employees and support innovation throughout the workplace. When conflict is left unresolved, the results can have a negative impact beyond the parties involved. In this course, managers will learn how to identify conflict and facilitate the resolution of conflict in the workplace.
Workplace Conflict Resolution – For Workers

Human Resources | Approx. 40 Slides | Approx. 15 minutes

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable. What matters most is how those conflicts are resolved. When conflict is left unresolved, the results can have a negative impact beyond the parties involved. In this course, workers will learn how to respond to conflict and actively participate in the resolution of workplace conflicts.
Workplace Inspections

Health & Safety | Approx. 50 Slides | Approx. 20 minutes

Workplace inspections help prevent injuries and illnesses. Through critical examination of the workplace, inspections identify and record hazards for corrective action. This course will review the purpose of a workplace inspection, understanding the workplace elements, five forms of hazards, planning an inspection, conducting an inspection, writing a report, and following up on recommendations.
Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying

Health & Safety | National, BC, CLC | Approx. 90 Slides | Approx. 40 minutes

Workplace violence, harassment and bullying are potential hazards that exist in every workplace and must be treated as we treat all high-rated hazards. Left uncontrolled, harassment and bullying may lead to violence, which can result in injuries. The purpose of this course is to instruct all workplace parties on their role in preventing and dealing with workplace violence, harassment and bullying. Material covered includes what the law says, roles and responsibilities, a look at what workplace violence is, a look at what harassment and bullying is, and program components.
Your 4 Moments for Hand Hygiene

Health & Safety | Video Course | Approx. 22 minutes

This video provides you with knowledge of Hand Hygiene. It goes over when you should clean your hands, the two methods for cleaning hands, and provides you with practical training.
Your Introduction to your Digital Health and Safety Board

Health & Safety | Video Course | Approx. 21 minutes

This course will review the digital health and safety board device installed in your workplace and how to navigate the online version, posted within Systems 24-7.
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