Ever noticed the Culture Survey option while navigating the WSIB Digital Portal and wondered
what is this?
The culture survey is a helpful tool for businesses to gauge their overall safety culture across
various roles in your organization. While the Culture Survey is not a mandatory requirement in
HSEp, it is an excellent resource to measure changes in your safety culture over time. Have
employees complete the Culture Survey before or as topic implementation begins, then have
employees complete the survey again and hopefully you’ll observe a noticeable shift in your
overall safety culture. The survey can also provide insight into potential topics for the following
year as well as other opportunities for improvement in your Health & Safety Program.
The WSIB launched a new Culture Survey Results Table available on your dashboard. This means
you won’t need to reach out to the health and safety inbox for your business summaries anymore!
The employer digital user guide has been updated and posted to reflect this new feature.
Members can find their culture survey results on their dashboard, below the “Badges Earned”
You can see the results for their responses broken out by:
Year completed. This will help track changes in culture year over year.
By question. To view the average score per question, open the year row by clicking on the down arrow.
If you would prefer to work in CSV format, it can be downloaded using the download button.
Please note, organizations do not have access to the information or average scores by role. Only the provider has access to this information to keep the culture survey anonymous to the business.

If you are interested more about this survey or have any other questions, please feel free to reach
out to us via email at excellence@systems24-7.com and we would be happy to discuss these