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Why Are The Guidance & Instruction Webinars So Important?

Updated: Jan 23

Wow, where did the year go? We can’t believe 2024 is the past and now our focus is on 2025. We hope everyone is prepared for the winter as Jack Frost has definitely nipped at our noses. After the WSIB’s recent enhancements to HSEp and Dunk’s recreation of the program as a result, I have been asked by our members, “why are all webinars mandatory?”

The answer is simple. It’s important for our members to stay up to date and current with the program to achieve success on your HSEp journey. As our tenured members can attest to, the program and expectations from the WSIB change. Change signifies growth, and the WSIB has made significant enhancements, both from a program and rebate standpoint for 2025. These enhancements will guarantee the longevity of the HSEp. We also experience changes in focus from the WSIB Validation Team from time to time. As the program grows and evolves, you can most likely expect more changes down the road.

In order to communicate these enhancements, we host quarterly mandatory Guidance and Instruction

webinars which provide our members with in-depth explanations of the changes, how it relates to our

members, and, most importantly, how you can bridge the gap in your current HSEp cycle to be

successful and achieve your rebate. These webinars provide those in attendance a chance to network

with other members, ask clarifying questions, become informed on upcoming legislative changes, and get a high-level overview of the HSEp process to keep them on track. If you cannot attend our webinars, they are recorded and will be posted on our Dunk HSEp Portal within 48 hours of the webinar. If you watch the recording, you must send Dunk an email to let us know as we track attendance.

As per December’s newsletter article, Dunk has officially launched two HSEp programs for members to

choose from once their current cycle has completed (Self-Directed HSEp and HSEp Plus). The details of

each program are included in our registration brochure. Before the development of these new programs,

Dunk conducted research on the success and required support levels to get through the program.

We found that members who did not attend our Guidance and Instruction webinars, had difficulties

completing the program and required more time, effort, and support to get them through the program

successfully. In some cases, topics were not salvageable and had to be deferred resulting in the members not receiving a rebate.

Dunk has realized there was a need for more support and follow-up depending on our members

experience and time commitment. Businesses who require this extra assistance would fall into the HSEp

Plus program. Businesses who can follow Dunks’ detailed topic instructions and keep up to date on the

program enhancements through attending all our webinars would fall under Self-Directed program. You

can’t be in the Self-Directed program and not attend all our Guidance and Instruction webinars and expect to successfully complete the program.

As always, we are here to discuss the new programs when you’re ready to begin your next HSEp cycle.

Join us on at our next Guidance and instruction webinar on January 14th where we will show you the new HSEp Portal!

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