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Where to Start in Building a Safety Program

Updated: Jan 23

What do you think of when you hear the term “Health & Safety”? Do you cringe thinking it’s a necessary “evil” you need to deal with? Do you try and hide from it, putting it on the backburner? Or do you meet it head on to ensure it gets done? Workplace Health & Safety is more than just exercising legal compliancy and mindlessly checking the boxes. Health and Safety isn’t meant to hinder you in completing your job; it’s here to help you understand how to protect yourself and your co-workers in the workplace. Ultimately, it is an opportunity to create a dynamic, engaged and thriving healthy workplace.

At its core, health and safety is about recognizing and controlling the dangers in your workplace to prevent accidents and other incidents. This helps employers and employees save time and improves productivity by keeping you secure and healthy while in the workplace.

If you’re just starting out, getting your Health & Safety program up and running it can be a little overwhelming trying to identify what is needed. What policies are needed? Do you require any forms, training, or Safe Operating Procedures (SOP)? What is a Hazard Assessment and how do I complete it? Do I need a Safety Rep or a Safety Committee? How many first aiders do I need per shift?

Don’t worry! We are here to help you. Dunk & Associates makes it easy, and the benefits are soon realized with our program Systems 24-7.

Using Systems 24-7; our professional consultants develop and deliver a simple yet comprehensive monthly program that assists you in implementing Safety. Systems 24-7 doesn’t offer just generic tools and templates that need customizing, but a fully developed system with customized policies, forms, eLearning modules and everything needed to run a fully compliant Workplace Health & Safety program.

Our monthly compliance package provides a few simple steps and tasks to implement the program and improve your workplace culture. Systems 24-7 is developed and branded just for you and your business needs.

With our one-to-one assistance with compliance orders, coaching / mentoring for safety committees, training for safety representatives and guidance on provincial regulatory compliance; we are only one call or email away to assisting you! Let’s not forget our unlimited technical support department that are here to help you assist in setting up and customizing Systems 24-7 to help you think outside of the box.

Affording a health and Safety department may not be within your budget, but a simple annual fee with Dunk & Associates with no hidden costs is the solution for you! Have a question? Need a policy or safety talk developed? Let us know, we are happy to help!

Additionally, Dunk & Associates offers monthly webinars for anyone in your business to attend along with quarterly clinics where our professional staff answer your Safety or HR questions. Don’t worry if you miss an event! All of our webinars are recorded and posted for your review whenever you have time.

In the last year alone, COVID brought over 150 changes to legislation and regulations for workplace health and safety. Dunk & Associates kept businesses informed, provided safety plans, PPE requirements, screening assessments and many solutions in rapid fire. You need a partner, competent information, and knowledgeable professionals – Dunk & Associates is that partner.

Are you ready to get started?
Give us a call 1-866-754-8839 or email today to join!

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