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Successes in 2023

Updated: Jan 23

Another successful year come and gone! It’s been busier than ever, and we thank each and every one of our clients for their continued support. We strive to make 2024 even better!

At the end of every year, we always take the opportunity to reflect on what we’ve been able to achieve, the programs we’ve delivered, and our other successes. Have you also taken an opportunity to reflect? It’s a great way to end the year and highlight your accomplishments.

Let’s celebrate our successes together! In 2023, Dunk & Associates:

  • Created a variety of new courses including: Active Attacker Awareness, Annual Safety Review, Crane Safety Awareness, De-escalating Conversations for Customer Service, Fibre Optic Cable Safety Awareness, MSD & Me, Naloxone Administration, Performance Management, Voice of the Client, and What You Need to Know About Phone-Based Customer Service. We also have a variety of courses written and in the pipeline for release in 2024!

  • Were approved to offer our Refresher Ontario JHSC Certification including Part 1 in-class, distance, and eLearning, and Part 2 in-class and distance training! At the time of writing this article, over 250 people registered and went through Part 1 Certification Training and by the end of the year, we will have fully certified 190 safety committee members.

  • Continuous monitoring and communication of legislative updates and application of changes across all our program content including policies, forms, training, and more.

  • Supported more than 190 businesses in our Health and Safety Excellence program, a WSIB rebate program in Ontario. This was a 33% growth from the previous year! We did not have a single member who did not receive a rebate who completed their topic implementation as per the requirements of the program.

  • Created a variety of resources for our clients to help keep employees safe while the forest fires raged across the country.

  • Hosted incredibly successful events including an in-person conference in the Spring of 2023 and an online Harassment Investigation webinar in the fall.

  • Developed additional policies including compressed gas, hearing conservation, IV fluids, Naloxone (ON), and Respiratory Protection. If you’re not subscribed to our professional services, ask us for more details!

Here is what was developed, updated, and released on Systems 24-7. Please contact us at for more information about any of the below updates.

  • Developed two brand new powerful features including Report It and Digital Boards.

    1. Report It: Report It is a robust feature, which provides companies with the ability to develop any form online for documentation and tracking. Companies can also add a unique process for verification and approval. This can be used for a variety of purposes, such as accident/incident investigation forms, work refusals, vacation requests, workplace inspections, timesheets, hazard reports, discipline records, and more.

    2. Digital Boards: This feature is close on the horizon! We are developing an online digital board feature to replace the traditional health and safety board, with all information coming directly from your Systems 24-7 site. This is currently being trialled with one of our clients.

  • Increased capacity for email functionality including a variety of new email templates.

  • Expanded reporting ability through the available reports on Systems 24-7.

  • Increased security and data protection.

  • Many new settings to improve system usage including final test re-take options, adding course scores, QR codes, and more!

  • Increased communication and transparency through our important updates page. Check if out here:

We will be sharing more news shortly!

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