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Holiday Mental Health Guide

They say the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. However, this isn’t always the case for everyone. The added stressors of gifts and gatherings can take a toll on our mental health. Remember, not everyone has large families or friend groups. It’s ok to be alone over the holidays. Here are some tips to keep your mental health in check as you celebrate the season.

Practice self-compassion

The holidays can bring up many emotions. Recognize the emotions you feel and remember to be kind to yourself.

Volunteer or give back

Consider spending time this holiday season giving back. Pick a volunteer role that is meaningful to you, like volunteering to foster a pet, visiting the elderly who may not have many friends or family left, or help out at a community shelter or kitchen.

Connect with others

Whether family, friends, co-workers or a new community group, reach out and connect with others.

Move your body

Physical exercise can have a profound effect on your mental health. It’s easy to want to stay inside and do nothing with the cold and the darkness, but swap out even just one 30-minute TV show and take a brisk walk instead.

Get outside

With the colder weather, we tend to want to stay inside, but there is plenty to do outside over the holidays. Take a hike on nature trails, walk the neighbourhood to look at the lights and holiday displays, build a snowman, toboggan, skate, ski or snowboard, or even spend some time bundled up in the sun.

Fuel your body

Baked goods and tasty treats tend to be the norm at holiday gatherings. While you don’t want to deprive yourself of the treats that make you happy, remember the food you eat is fueling your body and mind. Don’t forget to also include your fruits, veggies, and protein.


While beverages may be flowing over the holidays, remember to stay hydrated. Make sure to mix in some glasses of water in between your tasty beverages.

These tips are suggestions on how best enjoy the holiday season. Remember that moderation is key and

will keep you feeling your best during one of the busiest times of the year.


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