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Evidence Deadline Extended for the Excellence program

Updated: Jan 23

Good news! In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the WSIB has extended the deadline for the first rebate run of the 2020 Excellence Program! What does this mean for you?

  • If you have finished implementing your topics, collected your evidence, and are in the process of writing your Evidence Story & Upload templates, you may qualify for the first rebate run in November 2020. The WSIB has extended the deadline for submission from August 1st 2020 to August 28th 2020. Remember, Dunk needs time to review your submissions and allow time for edits to your work before it is submitted to the WSIB. If you want to receive this first rebate run, ensure you submit your evidence (story, upload, and pieces) well before August 28th.

  • If you are still implementing your topics, that is totally fine too! Keep in mind, for the bulk of the Excellence participants, your fees cover you until the end of 2020. That means, you should aim to have all of your work completed and submitted to Dunk for review by the end of November 2020. Upon successful completion of your topic work, we are hopeful you will receive your rebate in the first quarter of 2021.

If you have any questions, want to see if you will qualify, or need to discuss topic selection or implementation, please reach out to us; we are here to help! Call Holly at 1-866-754-8839 or email

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