How did we get here?
Back in the 1900’s… okay, we’re not that old. Back in 1999, our founder realized the only way to get health and safety advice came at a high cost through private consultants. It was in that moment Systems 24-7 was born. We believe in providing expert advice and guidance at an affordable rate so that every organization can have an effective health and safety program.

How did we get here?
Back in the 1900’s… okay, we’re not that old. Back in 1999, our founder realized the only way to get health and safety advice came at a high cost through private consultants. It was in that moment Systems 24-7 was born. We believe in providing expert advice and guidance at an affordable rate so that every organization can have an effective health and safety program.

Our History
Trailblazers in Health & Safety and HR programs.
All great companies start on a napkin.
Back in 1999, our founder Nancy Dunk, realized the only way to get occupational health and safety advice came at a high cost through private consultants or adding a specialist to payroll. There weren't any affordable options available and so it was at that moment the idea of Systems 24-7 was born. Systems 24-7 is our all-in-one platform which is owned by Dunk & Associates and powers The Hub, Certification, and our Excellence program.
In 2000, the beginning stages of Systems 24-7 were in the works. Our original business plan started on the back of a napkin at the Prudhommes Tim Hortons in Lincoln, Ontario (see, we told you we were Canadian). At the time, there was no online solution available in the market to assist employers with their occupational health and safety programming so we decided to develop one. Our first client (and we still have them) was Canadian Tire. Since then, our clientele has expanded and Systems 24-7 has grown and evolved into the all-in-one platform you see today. The work environment is always changing and with that so does our features and services.

In 2022, our founder Nancy Dunk announced her retirement and passed the torch to her son, Brian Dunk. Brian has been with the company from the very beginning. He has always had a passion for technology and has been heavily involved in the company since its start in 2000. With his love for tech and his passion for this company, the sky is the limit, and we can’t wait to see where we go.
Our team has grown over the years and so have their families. We hope the next generation of Dunk employees will take over in the years to come. Thanks for stopping by and if you have any questions, please contact us.